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Fire extinguishing systems play the main role in ensuring the fire safety of the facility. They have to work quickly and be serviceable. Regular maintenance is essential for the effective and safe operation of fire protection systems.

Our company performs the full maintenance of the following fire fighting systems:

  • Automatic fire alarm system;
  • Fire warning and evacuation system;
  • Automatic fire suppression system;
  • Internal fire water pipeline system;
  • Smoke protection system and automatic fire fighting equipment;
  • Remote monitoring system;

Maintenance regulations:

  • RD 25.964-90 Maintenance and repair system of automatic fire extinguishing systems, smoke removal, security, fire and fire alarm systems. Organization and standard operating procedures;
  • Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems. Rules of acceptance and control. Instructional guidelines. VNIIPO December 31, 1998;
  • RD 009-01-96 Automatic fire fighting equipment. Operating and maintenance rules.

The main types of maintenance are:

  • Visual examination – control of technical condition (operable - inoperable, serviceable - faulty) with the participation of the senses and, if necessary, by means of control, the range of which is set by the relevant documentation, so it is determination of the technical condition of installations and individual vehicles externally; In the process of such maintenance of the system, a specialist conducts a visual inspection of all elements, components and assemblies, can use measuring devices. Reveal various defects and damages: leakage of pipes, rust on metal parts, separation of elements, etc.;
  • Functional testing - determination of the technical condition by monitoring the performance of technical means and the installation as a whole of part or all of their inherent functions defined by the purpose; Serviceability check is a set of technical measures aimed at checking the proper functioning of the system. Since modern automatic fire extinguishing systems are equipped with electronics, the external inspection, prevention, performance testing should affect not only the technological part, but also the electrical.
  • Preventive works Maintenance work - works of preventive nature to maintain the equipment in operating condition, which includes cleaning the exterior surfaces, technical inspection of their internal wiring (internal surfaces), cleaning, grinding, lubricating, replacement or restoration of the elements that end their lifespanor become unfit for use.

Visual examination and functional testing shall be carried out at least once a month. The frequency of works is established by the maintenance regulations.

One of the most important tasks is to find a contractor with the appropriate authority and technical base.

Maintenance of fire fighting systems begins with the examination of the facility, equipment and documentation. Then a specialist analyzes the data and begins the inspection of the technological part. As a rule, it includes pipelines, measuring devices and equipment, electrical equipment, isolation valves.

Then the specialist checks the condition and characteristics of the fire fighting agent. Electrical parts, as well as the alarm systems shall be examined very closely. The specialist also measures the resistance and monitors the functioning of all power sources. There are usually two power sources – the main and the stand

Preventive works is an intermediate and important stage of the entire maintenance process. The preventive works start right after examination and check all elements. At this stage, the maintenance of various fire fighting systems is performed with the help of different tests.

Even after all necessary measurements and examinations, malfunctions can often be found. Then the repair with defects elimination and faulty parts replacement can be performed.

The maintenance works end with the preparation of the documentation on the performed works. All work and maintenance advice must comply with regulatory documents.

There is a list of technical means that are parts of the system and shall be maintained accordingly:

Automatic fire fighting systems:

  • Water (foam) fire fighting systems: pumping units, distribution pipelines with sprinklers, triggering systems, control units, shutoff and control valves, tanks, dosing devices, compressor, announcers, electric equipment of control, fire detection systems;
  • Gas fire fighting systems: distribution pipelines with nozzles, triggering systems, batteries, triggering and launch sections, air distributors, distribution devices, charging station, announcers, electric equipment of control, fire detection systems;
  • Powder fire fighting systems: distribution pipelines with nozzles, cylinders with compressed air, tank with a powder composition, announcers, electric equipment of control, fire detection systems;
    • Fire alarm systems: ·

      • Fire alarm control panel;
      • Loops with announcers;
      • Intermediary devices;
      • Terminal devices;
      • Announcers;
      • Uninterruptible power supplies.

      Maintenance is a set of operations aimed at maintaining the operating condition of the systems in service. Serviceable condition of fire and security systems is the key for your peace of mind and confidence!

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